Ryan Hirschy Ministries
Christian Vocalist
Pastor Jay Carter - Pleasant Dale Church of the Brethren
I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Ryan Hirschy and Brad Byerly. Brad is a lifelong member of Pleasant Dale Church of the Brethren and a gifted musician. Although not a member, we'd gladly claim Ryan as one of us. He is gifted vocally and spiritually. His music not only conveys his talent, but his love for Jesus Christ. Together, these men are a blessing whenever they work together. For them is not mere performance, rather it is ministry. You'll be blessed by inviting them into your congregation.
I am pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Ryan Hirschy and Brad Byerly. Brad is a lifelong member of Pleasant Dale Church of the Brethren and a gifted musician. Although not a member, we'd gladly claim Ryan as one of us. He is gifted vocally and spiritually. His music not only conveys his talent, but his love for Jesus Christ. Together, these men are a blessing whenever they work together. For them is not mere performance, rather it is ministry. You'll be blessed by inviting them into your congregation.
Rev Robert Vale –United Methodist Church
I want to encourage other pastors to call on you to minister in their church in the wonderful way you did to us. You were very well received in our congregation and many comments have been made in the past week about your singing ministry. Thanks for having a servants heart.
Pastor Judy Fuller –United Methodist Church
What a wonderful witness! God has truly given you a gift and a message to be shared.
Pastor Joseph E. Nass – Bethel Brethren Church
Thank you for serving the Lord and giving the Bethel Brethren Church such a fine ministry with your word of music and your ministry of praise. You and Brad were such a great testimony for the Lord…a testimony revealing that the Lord has most certainly called you in partnership together regarding the ministry you are in. I speak of his great hands and your great voice – instruments of the Lord. Thank you for the things you reminded us of; Jesus, salvation, heaven, faith. It is what Jesus came from heaven to secure for us with his death and shed blood.
Pastor Craig Meyers – Blue River Church of the Brethren
I’d heartily recommend you to any church or ministry that wants a solid God glorifying gospel sharing concert.
Pastor Gary Johnson –Church of Christ
I can only say that your ministry in music truly reflects God’s grace. His grace in that he has very purposefully brought the two of you together (Brad). Your talent and servant minded ministry offers the Holy Spirit to those who listen. Every time I hear you sing and play I am moved closer to Jesus. Thank you for bringing me closer to God.
Pastor Sam Todd –Missionary Church
God has indeed blessed you with a great deal of talent and I appreciate the fact that you are using it for His glory! I believe that today, God is using music as His most effective vehicle for touching the hearts of people. Keep singing for His glory!
Pastor Barry Humble – Boehmer United Methodist Church
I am writing to express our appreciation for the inspirational program you presented at our church. The music combined the call or Christ with the day to day needs fulfilled by positively responding to the “Good News.” The gift that the two of you bring together with the vocals and piano, make a wonderful combination that can minister to all ages. Our congregation truly benefited from having you.
Darrel L. Gerig, Minister of Music –Missionary Church
Ryan is one of the upcoming new generation of vocalists. He is a young man with a voice and a heart for glorifying the Master. His programs comprise a variety of styles while his sincerity and dedication come through loud and clear. His concerts are greatly enjoyed by all who attend.
Judy Affolder, lay person – Cross United Church of Christ
Ryan’s music reflects his deep love for the Lord. He is totally dedicated to using his musical talents to influence others for Christ. The Lord has richly blessed me and countless others with Ryan’s music. The message of God’s love that this ministry brings is encouraging and uplifting to all who hear.
Pastor Norman Replogle, - Church of the Brethren
It is my privilege to recommend Ryan Hirschy to you as a young man who is gifted with a special ministry of music and who has a genuine heart for the Lord. I am certain that many people will be blessed with the message that shines through in the music of this gifted young man.
The variety of music that Ryan performs connected with young and old alike, providing a tasteful blend of contemporary and traditional styles. The encouragement and inspiration you will receive through this ministry in the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ will be warmly regarded by all.